Key recent publications are summarized below. A full list of publications can be found on our Google Scholar page.

*Denotes equal contribution, # denotes co-corresponding authorship.

The pattern of Nodal morphogen signaling is shaped by co-receptor expression.
Lord ND*#, Carte A*, Abitua PB & Schier AF#.
eLife 2021;10:e54894 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.54894

Stochastic antagonism between two proteins governs a bacterial cell fate switch.
Lord ND*, Norman TM*, Yuan R, Bakshi S, Losick R, Paulsson J.
Science 366, 116-120 (2019).

Nodal patterning without Lefty inhibitory feedback is functional but fragile.
Rogers KW*, Lord ND*, Gagnon JA, Pauli A, Zimmerman S, Aksel D, Reyon D, Tsai SQ, Joung K, Schier AF
eLife 2017:e28785. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.28785

Memory and modularity in cell-fate decision making.
Norman TM*, Lord ND*, Paulsson J, Losick R.
Nature 503, 481-486 (2013).